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Title: God's Strategic Plan
By: Robert V. Fullerton, CPA and MBA
Review Date: May 5, 2014
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Robert V. Fullerton, in his new book, God's Strategic Plan,sheds light on the amazing history of mankind through a biblical perspective - revealing the amazing destiny, identity and purpose planned for mankind, encouraging all to find their own purpose in God. 

Beginning with a look at the grandest battle of all – the war in Heaven mentioned in Genesis, the author presents a biblical overview of mankind's drama from Genesis to Revelation, ending in the climatic reality of the Cross and salvation, encouraging all to take part in God's Kingdom as Fishers of Men. Fascinating, uplifting and with keen insight, God's Strategic Plan, illuminates for all the past, present and future history of mankind, ultimately leading to God's counter attack and strategic plan for all of humanity. 

With such chapters as: The Origin of Strategic Planning, In the Beginning, Earth-the Battlefield, The Battle of Eden, God's Chosen People, The Creator Strikes Back, Enter the Dragon's Lair, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, The Slaying of the Dragon, The Triumph of the Lamb, "Follow Me and I will Make You Fisher's of Men, What's My destiny Mama?, and Finding Your destiny in God – all believers will find insight into their own destiny-filled purpose with God.  Offering immense hope and inspiration, the author presents practical scriptural application to finding one's true-identity in Christ within His Kingdom.  A highly recommended read!      

You may get your copy of God's Strategic Plan at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at other fine online bookstores.