Author John Estrellas
Don’t Get It Twisted, Love is a Beautiful Thing: Experience Love That Lasts (Volume 2) by John Estrellas is written for those that desire real love. Within this subject of love, volume 2 gives a broadened, practical guide to help readers understand what true love is from a godly perspective by defining the aspects of agape love in a deeper and comprehensive volume. Understanding the different types of love is key and the author presents a life-changing, yet practical approach to the subject of love that bring lasting transformation in lives as the author assists readers in identifying what a healthy love is versus an unhealthy love that will not last. With keen insight, examples and the author gives hope and teaches the biblical application to understanding what real love is with the universal power of love.
In this journey, readers will come to a better understanding of love and the different aspects and are instructed and encouraged on how to culminate and manage relationships that will benefit themselves and others. Readers gain understanding into the many aspects of love, as God intended, human love and the importance of a developing and growing real love that is built on a firm foundation. One will be able to adjust their love walk to bring fulfillment and change in area of their life when applying the principals contained within.
With the powerful life-transforming power of love, the author has given an easy-to-read guide that will bring lasting change into all of your relationships. This is a powerful book, as love, is one of the most dynamic and driving force that brings others together in a way that only love can bring. If you desire lasting and positive change in your life, consider this book!
This book comes as a highly recommended read for the individual or couples that need help within their own love walk.
- Don’t Get It Twisted,
- Love is a Beautiful Thing: Experience Love That Lasts
- John Estrellas
- ISBN #978-1518632548
- A CBM Book Review1
- 0.0 out of 10.0 stars
You may get your copy of Don’t Get It Twisted, Love is a Beautiful Thing: Experience Love That Lasts at Amazon, in Kindle and at other fine online bookstores.