How to Encounter the Love of God: Experience Jesus Book 1

Title: How to Encounter the Love of God: 
Experience Jesus Book 1
By: Dr. Patty Sadallah
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

How to Encounter the Love of God: Experience Jesus Book 1 shares personal testimony and Biblical teaching on how to encounter the tangible love of God in a personal way. This book is scriptural and teaches readers on who Jesus is as their Friend, Bridegroom, Immanuel while introducing them to salvation, prayer, and interaction with the One Who died for all on the cross. Come experience the Love of God like you have never experienced with this transformational read.

In this book, readers will find an interactive guide, as is common with all of Dr. Patty Sadallah’s books, to lead to greater intimacy and experience. Rich with Scripture and keen insight, an understanding of the huge subject of the love of God is understood in such an amazing way through each chapter. Highlighting the importance and work of the cross and a believer’s inheritance, scriptural truths reveal deep insight in truth.

Readers will find such chapters as: Experiencing Jesus Series Introduction, How to Encounter God, Encountering the Love of God Introduction, Meet the Heavenly Father, Meet the Savior, Meet Immanuel, Meet the Bridegroom, Meet the Friend, LOVE Book  Conclusion, & Appendixes (A-D) Dialogue Journaling Tips, Salvation Prayer, How to Teach People to Journal, & Shepherd’s Two-Ways.

This book tackles a huge, but monumentally important subject: the Love of God. Her book can be used as a Biblical Study guide for those growing in faith, for those new in the Christian faith, or for those that want to discover the love of God in a deeper and tangible way.

Also recommended for use in a Bible Study group to deepen relationship with God and each other through the workbook.

A highly recommended read for all Christians and those who are curious about an experience of the love of God! CBM Christian Book Reviews.

You may get your copy of How to Encounter the Love of God: Experience Jesus Book 1 at Amazon and in Kindle. For additional information about the author, her books and some wonderful ministry visit, Patty Sadallah

Christian Author David Harder

Title: Persuaded: The Story of Nicodemus – A Novel
By: David Harder
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Persuaded: The Story of Nicodemus – A Novel by David Harder sheds light on Biblical scenes taken from the story of Nicodemus. As a work of fiction, David Harder is a long time Bible student, taking the story of Nicodemus and his infamous question, “How can one be born again?” to new levels. A broader understanding of Yeshua (Jesus), His teachings, the times, the cultures and language of the Hebrews make this novel an epic saga. Characters in the Bible come to life – the twelve disciples, Joseph of Arimathea, and the fight over Jerusalem in the days of Roman occupation of Israel uncover secrets and keys to the Kingdom of God. Discover Jesus in a fresh new way. Recommended for all mature and new believers, this book can also be used as a tool to help non-believers understand the Good News of the Gospel

Beginning with The Siege of Jerusalem, the author unravels how the story of the miracles of Jesus led the disciples of Christ to Him as the Messiah. Jesus became a threat to the religious leaders of His day. Nicodemus, as one brought up to be in the Sanhedrin and a Pharisee, played a key part in history as told in the Gospel of John. The author gives life to the story through the calling of Nicodemus by John, the Revelator, to deliver a manuscript to the emerging Christian community. Without this key element of being “born of water and the Spirit” Christianity would not survive the onslaught from the Roman empire bent on crushing any further words, legacy, or teachings of Jesus. Nicodemus, his life, his encounters, his midnight encounter with Jesus and his boldness are captured in adventure that encapsulates Israel at that time. The author keeps readers on the edge-of-their seat as we travel back in time to understand how entering the Kingdom of God and Nicodemus’ important role unfolding chapter-by-chapter.

David Harder with detail and accuracy parallels the journey of Bible that include such climaxes as the Passover and the Crucifixion. With the inclusion of the ancient history of Israel and the rise of Christianity, this unique weaving of events makes this book an amazing read. Offering truth from the Gospel, faith and encouragement, readers’ gain insight into the man named Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, and how He is the Bread of Life. Nicodemus becomes transformed from being a sceptic to a devout follower. Bringing the readers full circle, the book gives an overview of the future and Christ’s Second Coming. 

A Must-Read Christian fiction, Persuaded: The Story of Nicodemus - A Novel gives insight into how it might have been for those that dared, those who believed and risked their lives such as Nicodemus for the Gospel, giving credence to the one who asked the infamous question, “How can one be born again?”
Persuaded provides the answers and so much more! 

I find that this book grabbed me from the first sentence. I just had to keep reading to find out more. This action-packed book truly has the makings of a great movie! Wonderfully creative yet fulfilling in its Biblical accuracy for a fiction novel with that is a superbly articulated story-line. Christian Book Reviews sharing Christian books with Christian readers.

You may get your copy of Persuaded: The Story of Nicodemus at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

Goliath Killers: Destroying Stubborn Challenges

Title: Goliath Killers: Destroying Stubborn Challenges
By: Israel Jimah
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Goliath Killers: Destroying Stubborn Challenges by Israel Jimah speaks of battles with evil by presenting the truth of the Word and power of God to defeat the enemy in our lives. In slaying these Goliath’s the author offers readers sound instruction in fortifying their faith and knowledge in the Word of God. He exposes the tactics and the schemes of Satan by giving a clear picture of who Satan is, offering the divine wisdom of God that brings victory when in a battle. Giving the core of the real battle – the unseen realm spiritual realm and the battle over the souls of men, believers in Christ already have the victory if they stand in faith.  In this way, through the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, readers understand what it is to be a Goliath Killer. 

By first presenting an overview of the pride and fall of Lucifer, this is the battle we fight here on Earth. These battles we all face are wars and battles against darkness, as the Kingdom of God forges forth upon the Earth, so does the kingdom of darkness bring resistance. The author utilizes Scripture in the King James Version, giving hope and encouragement for these stubborn (evil) challenges.

Reflection upon Scripture also reveal Jesus in His Majesty and glory; He is the catalyst for change. When light enters, darkness flees. The author’s representation of the boy that was demonized that the disciples of Christ could not set free. The demon obeyed Jesus. But why couldn’t the disciples cast out this demon if they had been given the keys of the Kingdom? This book gives answers as to “How To” break the powers of these stubborn issues relating to spiritual warfare through Biblical examples, concepts, strategies and solutions.

With such chapters as: The Conflict, Winning the Battle, The Revelation of Jesus, Victorious Forever, God’s End-Time David’s, Put on Your own Armor, Invading Enemy Territory, Fighting in the Flesh?, What Jesus Said in a Vision & Praying in the Spirit. Each chapter highlights the power of the Kingdom and insight into God’s End-Time David’s. This is an exciting book that teaches the reality of the war-at-hand and the reality of our weapons in warfare. For they are not carnal, yet supernatural in nature that give saints that have Goliath’s they need to conquer in their own lives.

A wonderfully encouraging read based upon sound doctrine that offers Biblical solutions and the Word of God to stand on for some of your Goliaths (most challenging situations and circumstances). Believers in Christ will are instructed in the ways of God and in the knowledge of God through this book. This is a must-read for all Christians during these turbulent times! CBM Christian Book Reviews.

You may get your copy of Goliath Killers at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

CBM Book Review - Journal It! Take Hold of Your Life by Journaling

Title: Journal It!
Take Hold of Your Life by Journaling
By: Gwendolyn Carole Tipton
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Journal It!: Take Hold of Your Life by Journaling by Gwendolyn Carole Tipton offers a step-by-step guide, encouragement through Scripture and instruction of life-changing Biblical principles to help readers begin their journey of journaling. Written to bring “good” change into one’s life, this book highlights the joys of journaling one’s life story. This is where the author begins and recommends for others to start. Everyone has a story. For those that are interested in writing, or even need healing in certain areas of their life, this book is a must-have!

With such chapters as: What is Journaling? Benefits of Journaling, Get Ready to Journal, Spiritual Journaling, Meditative Journaling, Journaling that Leads to Greatness, Writing Your Memoir, Take Control of Your Life by Journaling, Life End’s Journal, Expectation from Journaling, all present the different types of journaling and how journaling can impact your life.

Her book is based upon the firm foundation of Scripture and leads others into realizing hope and faith come from God, and offers readers insight to bring change, re-access future lifetime goals and bring clarity in one’s perspective and life. Readers will find this book to be a great help in beginning to make the much-needed changes in their lives to their lives. This is such a wonderfully inspiring and encouraging journey into discovering who you are, your identity, where you’ve been and what you have to offer others through following the suggestions in each chapter. At the end of each chapter, there is an assignment that offers practical application.

Journal It!: Take Hold of Your Life by Journaling comes as a highly recommended book for those that desire good change to come into their lives. By reviewing, reflecting and letting the past go, the future is there for one to take hold of just as the author states.

I would highly recommend this book for those that are in a process of self and life transformation and need a light for their path. Biblically this book gives life to those that seek “the right path.”

*Pastors, counselors, marriage and family therapists might keep this book in their library to recommend to clients. CBM Christian Book Reviews.

You may order your copy of Journal It!Take Hold of Your Life by Journaling at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. For further information about the author, visit Gwendolyn Carole Tipton

CBM Christian Book Review - Father Into Thy Hands I Commend My Seed

Title: Father Into Thy Hands I Commend My Seed
By: Apostle Akhem Wilson
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Apostle Akhem Wilson writes Father Into Thy Hands I Commend My Seed highlighting the importance of returning our children back to the Father. With sound Biblical teaching and Scripture, the author imparts life through prophetic declaration. 

Blending his own angelic encounters, to include encounters with the Father, his book shares the supernatural becoming evident in the earthly realm. Impossibilities become opportunities and miracles become realities. He shares the immense heart of the Father, and the importance of belonging to the family of God, revealing God’s love in such a tangible way. With a holy passion and a relevant message in these end times, the author instructs, inspires and encourages readers to understand the blessing and the nature of returning the children back to the Father.

This is an exciting book, filled with scripture verses, faith in the Word of God and an unfolding of the mystery of God’s supernatural power working in our earthly realm. Akhem Wilson has clearly heard from the Lord as an apostle and he faithfully shares this message with readers so that the blessing of the Lord may be evident in magnificent ways - breaking every generational curse, bad habits, addiction, thwarted destinies, to reveal the wonderful pre-designation of each child, their inheritance and blessing as known from the Father first.  

The author boldly speaks, “
I declare now upon the grip of this book in your hands that you will feel the Word of GOD come alive in your spirit in such away that it will provoke the manifestation of God’s supernatural power through you and your children!”

This is such an inspiring read that will fill readers with faith and that will also teach the principles encompassed in God’s Word. With such chapters as: The Encounter With My Child’s Father, Who is the Real Father?, The Releasing of Blessing, The Releasing of Purpose, The Releasing of Prosperity, The Releasing of Divine Healing and miracles, & A Prayer and Prophetic Declaration Over Child on the Day of Birth.

Inspired by his own life story, this book brings a subject of dedication, prophetic declaration and faith that will help readers understand the workings of the spiritual realm in which we live in and that each child has an assignment in God.

This book comes as a highly recommended read for those parents, pastors, and lay people that want to stand upon faith in God’s Word, understand the power of prophetic declaration and the importance of returning the children back to the Father. Reading this book will ignite faith and invite supernatural and divine encounters into one’s lives and the lives of their offspring. Akhem Wilson’s book brings the reality of the messages of Heaven into our earthly realm. A wonderful read!

Father Into Thy Hands I Commend My Seed by Akhem Wilson is just that book that speaks the truth of the God’s declaration over families, breaking through every curse to blessing! Christian Book Reviews sharing Christian books with Christian readers.

The Christian Book Review - High Marks

The Christian Book Review is pround to present Overcoming Abuse: My Body Belongs to God and Me – A Child’s Body Safety Guide by Reina Davison speaks to children, telling them they are “Overcomers.” 

This is a very highly recommended read! 
10.0 Stars

A wonderful truth in God’s Word, as she begins the book by the definition of what an overcomer is. Opening children’s eyes to the truth of God’s purpose and plans for them, she goes on to describe God’s gift of free will. 

Describing Good Touch and Bad Touch; she elaborates on these two and what that can encompass. There are Good Touch people and Bad Touch people. Her book gives hope to children who have or have not experienced abuse by speaking the truth of God’s love and care for their body. She also teaches children how to prevent abuse by giving them the tools to know the difference between a healthy relationship and unhealthy relationships.

Writing from a Biblical perspective, yet incredibly gentle and simple, Reina Davison gives hope and guidance that exposes the darkness and sin of the enemy lurking in our lives. These people are unsafe and “No Touch” people as Reina explains. Her premise teaches children the principle of becoming “Overcomers” in Christ Jesus. 

A fantastic book that teaches wonderful and enlightening spiritual truths to children. (Note: This book just may encourage adults as well; teaching them that they are overcomers!) I personally enjoyed the uplifting truths to her book and thought…I wish I had a book such as this when I was a child. You will be delighted by this book as well.

As a guidebook, this book teaches parents, caregivers, family members, etc., to understand what safe behavior is in and out of the home. Her Body Safety guide in the back provides a checklist for adults to adhere to in protecting children.

With beautiful illustrations, the author sheds light on walking in the truth of God’s Word, while giving them instruction of their enemy (the devil), the Bible, and Jesus, offering hope and encouragement to look to Jesus as their help and Savior. Her book shows that God has a good plan for them and cares for them. She shares that they are Overcomers and can defeat the enemy (the devil) and that because of Jesus, they too can choose to be of Good Cheer (be happy). 

This book comes highly recommended for all children who need to be taught encouraging truths about God’s Word, and especially is a tool to be used by parents, counselors, pastors, child psychologists, medical personnel, and lay persons to teach about healthy sexual boundaries.  

To tell you the truth, this is one of those books parents should utilize in teaching their children about bad people that sin and touch inappropriately. She has given a list of resources in the back of the book, and is an advocate of ending child sexual abuse. Written with grace, wisdom, and sensitivity to children’s pure intellects, this book does a wonderful job in tackling a difficult subject.

“Thank you, Reina Davison, for your work to protect the vulnerable children of the world!” ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews.

Get your copy of Overcoming Abuse: My Body Belongs to God and Me at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit author Reina Davison at Overcoming Abuse for more information about her books.

CBM Christian Book Review - Spiritual Journey

Title: Spiritual Journey: 40 Days of Encouragement, Reflection & Self-Examination
By: Greg Nembhard
A CBM Christian Book Review10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Spiritual Journey: 40 Days of Encouragement, Reflection & Self-Examination by Greg Nembhard is a 40-day devotional bringing insight, clarity and brightness to your 2020 New Year!

This is an inspiring and encouraging way to bring hope, understanding of God, His ways, the Scripture, coupled with short commentary from the author. Some commentaries include the meaning of the original Hebrew language behind certain words, enhancing and expanding knowledge of the verse.

Readers will find increased intimacy and a deepening of knowledge that only studying and reading Scripture can bring forth. Suddenly, wrong attitudes, thoughts and perspectives are changed by the renewing of the mind in this 40-day devotional. The author quotes Jeremiah 29:11-14 (CJB), “I know what plans I have in mind for you,” says Adonai, “plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future. When you call to me and pray to me, I will listen to you. When you seek me, you will find me, provided you seek for me whole heartedly, and I will let you find me, says Adonai.” This is his way of expressing God’s hope for you in a troubled world.

Beginning with the subject of the beloved, our life and safety in Him, as He protects all the day long, gives hope  and leads to a series of subject matters such as: confronting sin, intentional creation, rest, to taste and see the Lord is good, your worth, your world without God, looking ahead, God’s faithfulness and so much more! 
Each section is hand-crafted for the day in remembrance of the scripture verse presented.

Feed daily on the Word of God, you will find Jesus is truly the Bread of Life. Bring reflection of the past year, expectation for a better year into focus as you consider this 40-day daily devotional to refresh, invigorate and ignite passion in you.

This 40-day devotional is recommended for all believers and even those curious about faith in God as they consider their own spiritual journey.

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
 Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

You may get your copy of
Spiritual Journey: 40 Days of Encouragement, Reflection& Self-Examination at Amazon or as a download at Barnes and Noble.