Christian Author David Harder

Title: Persuaded: The Story of Nicodemus – A Novel
By: David Harder
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Persuaded: The Story of Nicodemus – A Novel by David Harder sheds light on Biblical scenes taken from the story of Nicodemus. As a work of fiction, David Harder is a long time Bible student, taking the story of Nicodemus and his infamous question, “How can one be born again?” to new levels. A broader understanding of Yeshua (Jesus), His teachings, the times, the cultures and language of the Hebrews make this novel an epic saga. Characters in the Bible come to life – the twelve disciples, Joseph of Arimathea, and the fight over Jerusalem in the days of Roman occupation of Israel uncover secrets and keys to the Kingdom of God. Discover Jesus in a fresh new way. Recommended for all mature and new believers, this book can also be used as a tool to help non-believers understand the Good News of the Gospel

Beginning with The Siege of Jerusalem, the author unravels how the story of the miracles of Jesus led the disciples of Christ to Him as the Messiah. Jesus became a threat to the religious leaders of His day. Nicodemus, as one brought up to be in the Sanhedrin and a Pharisee, played a key part in history as told in the Gospel of John. The author gives life to the story through the calling of Nicodemus by John, the Revelator, to deliver a manuscript to the emerging Christian community. Without this key element of being “born of water and the Spirit” Christianity would not survive the onslaught from the Roman empire bent on crushing any further words, legacy, or teachings of Jesus. Nicodemus, his life, his encounters, his midnight encounter with Jesus and his boldness are captured in adventure that encapsulates Israel at that time. The author keeps readers on the edge-of-their seat as we travel back in time to understand how entering the Kingdom of God and Nicodemus’ important role unfolding chapter-by-chapter.

David Harder with detail and accuracy parallels the journey of Bible that include such climaxes as the Passover and the Crucifixion. With the inclusion of the ancient history of Israel and the rise of Christianity, this unique weaving of events makes this book an amazing read. Offering truth from the Gospel, faith and encouragement, readers’ gain insight into the man named Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, and how He is the Bread of Life. Nicodemus becomes transformed from being a sceptic to a devout follower. Bringing the readers full circle, the book gives an overview of the future and Christ’s Second Coming. 

A Must-Read Christian fiction, Persuaded: The Story of Nicodemus - A Novel gives insight into how it might have been for those that dared, those who believed and risked their lives such as Nicodemus for the Gospel, giving credence to the one who asked the infamous question, “How can one be born again?”
Persuaded provides the answers and so much more! 

I find that this book grabbed me from the first sentence. I just had to keep reading to find out more. This action-packed book truly has the makings of a great movie! Wonderfully creative yet fulfilling in its Biblical accuracy for a fiction novel with that is a superbly articulated story-line. Christian Book Reviews sharing Christian books with Christian readers.

You may get your copy of Persuaded: The Story of Nicodemus at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.