CBM Christian Book Review - The Chronicles of Trinian: The Faithful Stand Forever

Title: The Chronicles of Trinian
The Faithful Stand Forever
By: Terrence L. Rotering
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0+ out of 10.0 

An amazing and powerful read! The Chronicles of Trinian by Terrence L. Rotering is a captivating epic Christian fantasy series full of adventure, battles between evil malevolent forces and the armies of heaven, as the spiritual realm collides with the earthly realm. 

This epic series reveals the Faithful and their fight for survival throughout the span of three separate timelines and different eras. Insightful, the author reveals how the forces of evil attack mankind. Indulging the reader in the sorrows and struggles mankind faces as time itself will end one day. All who are in the Book of Life will enter into Eternity with God and those who are not in the Book of Life will be cast out. Offering a riveting epic series of the land of Trinian shedding light on the battle for the souls of men. 

The reader has a front row seat in this exciting page-turner. The soul of man is the prize and demonic forces emerge twisting and tempting mankind to partake in evil. Justice is on the horizon as these malevolent forces are no match for the Lion of Judah, the One who watches over all and is the true King. Written in true fashion after C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Frank Peretti, the author has crafted a series that will capture faith, speaks justice to the down-trodden, and gives immense hope as the “Faithful Stand Forever.”

The land of Trinian represents a vast selection of characters. Be sure to see the Index of Names in the back of the book. The first age of man comes eight thousand years after the fall of man. God’s judgement had come upon the Earth – and the Mighty Flood that put the rainbow in the sky, representing God’s promise to never flood the Earth again. Engulfing, inspiring, and uplifting the characters come to life. Such as in the case of Abner and the long-bearded wise ancient one speaking of a time only he remembers. He speaks to the children of the Truth Keepers, whom long ago, battled against the ancient enemies of good, wielding their evil through servants of flesh, yet the author introduces that we war not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual enemies in the heavenly realms, bent on man’s destruction. Rotering as an emerging author blends the truth of the Bible and the spiritual realm that comes alive on the pages of this book. I can’t stress enough through descriptive imagery this book visually comes to life as one reads it.

The Chronicles of Trinian: The Faithful Stand Forever represent the Christians married to the One, who is the Lamb, the only one worthy to worship. The One true God and Creator of all the Universe. The One whom after this earthly life is over, the faithful will live forever in Heaven and eventually a new Earth – with Christ. 

This is a wonderful and worthwhile read that speaks of the great adventure all humans face throughout the ages. Whom shall you serve? The path of Life is available to all, and all are free to choose. The Chronicles of Trinian stands as a series one will forever treasure in their library. 

Certainly, this could be a movie in the making! Well-written, descriptive, filled with wonder and excitement, this book will keep you coming back for more. 

You may get your copy of The Chronicles of Trinian: The Faithful Stand Forever at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Christian Book Reviews - Study of Revelation: Practical and Applied

Title: Study of Revelation: Practical and Applied
By: Robert N. Carrow
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Robert N. Carrow writes the Study of Revelation: Practical and Applied as the second book in his series entitled “Discipleship Series for Authentic Christians.” The other books delve into Christian discipleship.

This is a Bible study to help authentic followers of Christ understand and apply the book of Revelation in their everyday lives. There is no question “the time is near” and “time is short.” The world is an open book revealing the book of Revelation coming alive before our very eyes. Keeping that in mind, this is a captivating read incorporating a literal translation of the events and personalities spoken of in Revelation. Taking the most accepted interpretations, the author has created an induvial, or group study, that will take the reader through the entire book of Revelation offering understanding of this often misunderstood and complicated book.

The author has streamlined the book of Revelation by giving the reader 15 lessons. Each lesson explains a section of Scripture through Revelation’s 22 chapters. The author has felt led by the Lord to write such a book. He has incorporated prayer, meditation, and Bible study using 2 Bibles by well-known authors who have studied extensively the book of Revelation (Dr. Tony Evans and Dr. David Jerimiah). He also notes for those that want to delve into a more in-depth study, he recommends using The Book of Revelation – A Commentary on the Greek Text. This is a highly regarded and readily accepted commentary.

As noted previously, the author has designed this Bible study for personal study and group study; however, this book is not a short read. Clearly, the author has created this study for those authentic Christians that know we are in the Last Days, and wonder how one can apply Scripture, warnings, and exhortations to their lives.

The Study of Revelation: Practical and Applied comes highly recommended for all Christians living through this current age in order to stand strong through knowledge and understanding. This is a practical read that explains and offers keys to understanding the book of Revelation. The Study of Revelation: Practical and Applied is an important book for the times we are living in today and a must-read for all Christians.

“Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy…hear the words…and keep what is written in it, because the time is near.” Rev. 1:3 (CSB)

You may get your copy of Study of Revelation: Practical and Applied at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Christian Author Book Review - To Make a Difference with a Twist

Title: To Make a Difference with a Twist: 
How a Purpose Driven Desire Turned into a Love Story
By: Douglas Fearing
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

At the age of 25, Doug Fearing experienced an epiphany that transformed his life, which he describes as "self-absorbed." This transformation began at his dad’s funeral, where he was struck by the numerous attendees who attended. 

He was haunted by the questions: "Who would be at my funeral? Anyone? Who have I impacted in my life to make a difference?" This first shift led to a second, a wake-up call marked by an indescribable sinking feeling that profoundly altered his future trajectory and mindset. His journey reveals God's love and grace for humanity, a revelation that changed his life and that can change yours also.

Endorsements praise the honesty and courage with which he unveils his life and that of his family. This compelling read intertwines key insights from Rick Warren’s “Purpose Driven Life” with Doug's own experiences, emphasizing the need to be Heaven-focused rather than earthly-focused. He shares his story to inspire and encourage readers, especially his grandchildren, leaving a legacy of hard-earned life lessons.

Captivating and honest, this book details Doug Fearing's life and legacy. It's a must-read for its real, raw, and uplifting portrayal of a man who chose God, and the life lessons that shaped him into who the man that he is today. It’s a triumphant read for those striving to follow Christ with wholehearted devotion.

A highly recommended book. 

You may get your copy of To Make a Difference with a Twist at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit the author at his website Douglas Fearing.