CBM Book Review - The New Covenant is Not What You Think

Title: The New Covenant is Not What You Think: 
Understanding Your Relationship with God Beyond Religion
By: Steven Gardner
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Steve Gardner provides deep understanding of the New Covenant and it’s not what you think. He presents somewhat of a disclaimer at the beginning where he delineates that God did not establish “religion” but rather that man established religion. Designed to help readers come into relationship, discover their identity, and discover Jesus as not only Savior, but friend. This book sheds light and insight into intimacy versus religious rules and commandments given in the Old Testament. Gardner then continues to connect the dots for readers presenting the Old Covenant versus the New Covenant that offers an overview of relationship versus religion. 

The author’s hopes are that readers will understand that God is a kind and loving God, desiring a relationship with you! He is holy. He is perfect. He desires your best welfare, and yes, while giving parameters. He is not a God expecting you to perform religious duties to win favor. Explore with this author, what the New Covenant is… It’s Not What You Think!

Delving into meanings of words like “tsela” and different meanings and usages of the word, the author gives deeper meanings, using charts, the Greek and also the Hebrew meanings that assist readers to really grasp the creation of Adam, asks key questions, and offers a deeper understanding of Yeshua as from YHWH. Euphemisms of the time period that Jesus walked the Earth are helpful in understanding certain phrases. These explanations may shed light on why Jesus taught in such a way. 

As such, the author hopes that readers will see God in a new way. He states that he has given readers “food for thought regarding the most popular, powerful, and life-changing book we call the Bible.” He speaks of the Bible as truly a love letter. 

If you seek life, prosperity, abundance, and peace, the suggestion is to read on.