CBM Book Review - Grandpa’s Gift: How Old Wisdom Can Inspire New Life

Title: Grandpa’s Gift: How Old Wisdom Can Inspire New Life
By: Dan LaRock with C. Maxwell Brown
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Grandpa’s Gift: How Old Wisdom Can Inspire New Life is a treasure and classic among books - offering wisdom, faith, hope, insight and cultural history in a collection of short writings re-published by Dan LaRock. His grandfather (C. Maxwell Brown) shares messages from life as a pastor that include articles and short writings which speak to readers of today. Written during the turbulent 60’s, LaRock showcases that these articles are still extremely relevant today. This book describes “the Way” – Following Jesus and His principles from the Bible through a delightful collection of short messages which will impact readers in a positive light. 

LaRock’s commentaries and Biblical insight in his summaries featured at the end of each writing from his grandfather add to this read, often explaining the depth of his grandfather’s writings, to include how they impacted his own life. It is the author’s hope that the readers find these quick writings “essential” and “life-giving” for the times we live in.  

Readers will find timeless messages, cultural wisdom, history, and Biblical insight provided alongside, guidance, inspiration, purpose are within the pages!

Grandpa’s Gift is one of those books to give to family, friends, co-workers, and the like to inspire hope. A highly recommended read! Entertaining, challenging, and thought-provoking.

Get your copy of Grandpa’s Gift at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.