CBM Book Review - The New Covenant is Not What You Think

Title: The New Covenant is Not What You Think: 
Understanding Your Relationship with God Beyond Religion
By: Steven Gardner
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Steve Gardner provides deep understanding of the New Covenant and it’s not what you think. He presents somewhat of a disclaimer at the beginning where he delineates that God did not establish “religion” but rather that man established religion. Designed to help readers come into relationship, discover their identity, and discover Jesus as not only Savior, but friend. This book sheds light and insight into intimacy versus religious rules and commandments given in the Old Testament. Gardner then continues to connect the dots for readers presenting the Old Covenant versus the New Covenant that offers an overview of relationship versus religion. 

The author’s hopes are that readers will understand that God is a kind and loving God, desiring a relationship with you! He is holy. He is perfect. He desires your best welfare, and yes, while giving parameters. He is not a God expecting you to perform religious duties to win favor. Explore with this author, what the New Covenant is… It’s Not What You Think!

Delving into meanings of words like “tsela” and different meanings and usages of the word, the author gives deeper meanings, using charts, the Greek and also the Hebrew meanings that assist readers to really grasp the creation of Adam, asks key questions, and offers a deeper understanding of Yeshua as from YHWH. Euphemisms of the time period that Jesus walked the Earth are helpful in understanding certain phrases. These explanations may shed light on why Jesus taught in such a way. 

As such, the author hopes that readers will see God in a new way. He states that he has given readers “food for thought regarding the most popular, powerful, and life-changing book we call the Bible.” He speaks of the Bible as truly a love letter. 

If you seek life, prosperity, abundance, and peace, the suggestion is to read on.

CBM Book Review - The Story of Kalev: The Sons of Herzon

Title: General: The Story of Kalev:
The Son of Hezron 
By: Dr. Paul C. Woodward PhD.Th.
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Dr. Paul C. Woodward writes, The Story of Kalev: The Sons of Hezron 

This is an extraordinary, biblically based journey into the lives of the Hebrew slaves in Egypt, during and after the Ten Plagues. Using the Scriptures from the second book of Moses, The Exodus, as the framework, this book brings to life the greatest mass rescue mission in human history. This adventure shines a “too revealing” spotlight on the lives of Kalev (Caleb), Hoshe’a (Joshua) and Moshe (Moses). You will relate to the hopes, fears, maladies and maybe even their character flaws. They were simply normal people trying to survive horrendous circumstances. A damaged and broken Hebrew race that the all-powerful Yahweh (God Is) chose to call His own. 

This novel reminds us all, that ordinary people like us can overcome and do miraculous things through God, and for His purposes. 

Inspiring, full of scriptural architecture, the unknowing and woefully unprepared, Kalev blindly charged into a covert world of orphaned children turned to lethal guerrillas. Literally behind enemy lines, the very reluctant General Kalev joined his mother and brother in the seemingly impossible task of rescuing, training, providing for and leading, a partisan army of thousands of orphaned and abused children. And doing it all, right under the noses of one of the most evil empires in history.  

Captivating! This book is the first in the series, True to Yahweh. General: The Story of Kalev: The Son of Hezron, reveals the deplorable and often fatal conditions of a Hebrew slave in Egypt. This biblically based narrative, “puts skin on” the broken people of the Exodus. 

On the same day, all the water in Egypt turned to blood, you’ll be Introduced to the main characters, Kalev (Caleb), Hoshe’a (Joshua) and eventually Kalev’s most hated foe, the ex-prince Moshe (Moses). The novel sheds light on the once, woefully silent God of their forefathers. Dr, Woodward earned a PhD. in Theological studies from Logos University. His keen biblical accuracy, brilliant description, and wonderful character development, offers readers an HD, first person point of view of the wonderous displays of God’s Mighty Hand. 

For those that enjoy novels, but want them to adhere to biblical truth, this novel and series comes highly recommended.

Insightful! This novel is a triumphant look into God’s personable nature, revealing His attributes as our kind, merciful, patient and even hilarious Creator. It also peals back the curtain and reveals another facet of God’s personality– that of a Warrior King, and as the author put’s it, “the quintessential Mother Bear!” Readers will relish in Yahweh’s unique and very personal relationships. This book celebrates The God who created humour. He actually laughs and playfully teasing the ones He’s “especially fond of.”.

Describing what life was like in those ancient days, this book brings to life the lives of Kalev (Caleb), Hoshe’a (Joshua), and their family. Intertwining a fast-paced read that involves an orphan army raised by the brothers and their mother. Triumphs, sorrows, romance and the like, explode into their world as they weigh the humbling and very dangerous possibilities of truly following our Yeshua (deliverer). Escaping Pharaoh's armies, only 1/3 of all the Hebrew slaves chose to “blindly trust” their previously silent, and possibly powerless God Yahweh. Eventually, the highly trained orphan Army is joined by thousands of emotionally scarred, and broken Hebrew families as they fearfully, yet bravely gather in the no-man’s land of the bleak Egyptian Desert.

A highly recommended entertaining Biblically based read!

CBM Book Review - Heaven Located: True Stories, Scenes, and Numbers from Paradise

Title: Heaven Located: 
True Stories, Scenes, and Numbers from Paradise
By: S.R. Doe
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

S.R. Doe explores the idea of Heaven as “Paradise,” that seems like a fairy tale, yet is a real place. He invites readers to go on a tour of this place, as described by the Bible, visions, and NDE’s (Near Death Experiences). He also blends these life experiences and visions with scientific research from people who have experienced true NDE’s. His book is an interesting read to explore Heaven, giving information that brings an understanding of the afterlife that must not be denied. Poignantly, the author has compiled such a work that presents the truthful reality of life after death. Everyone dies; his book backs up the reality of Heaven Biblically. And what seems like a fairy tale, Heaven is located. Thus, the title for the book. 

However, how does one get to Heaven? What qualifies as a true NDE? S.R. Doe, gives readers the understanding through Biblical and Scientific research relaying a lens of the afterlife. Historic and verified research stories of NDE’s with an explanation of the Greyson Scale (a list of 21 factors to qualify as an NDE) not only explain what happened to those who had purportedly “died” according to scientific proof, but explains Heaven from a Biblical perspective, offering insight to what those who visited Heaven saw and experienced. What a book! After reading this book, one will understand their purpose in life, and never look at the earthly realm as their “permanent” home again. 

With such chapters as: A Fairy Tale, Getting to Paradise, The Fearful Afterlife, Living in the Matrix, Understanding the Spiritual Universe, Being Human, The Design of Heaven, Final Orientation, The Happiest Place, Outer Courts of Heaven, Other Places in the Outer Courts, Entering the Holy City, Inside the Holy City, A City Division, Landmarks of Heaven, and so much more, such as Jesus Christ, The Holy of Holies, and The Government of God make this an informative and exciting read. [Color maps and graphs give an overview of the design of Heaven to include the Throne of God, the Outer Courts, the River of Life, the Sea of Glass, the Twelve trees of Life, etc..] ~ An unforgettable read and visual book.

This is a must-read for all Christians, and non-Christians, alike. Whether you believe in Christ or not, all humans eventually pass away. Where does one go? Does life continue? This is a worthwhile and thought-provoking read that presents truth, science, offering facts of NDE’s that one cannot deny. Heaven is a true place. 

CBM Book Review - Stand: The Chronicles of Trinian

Title: Stand: The Chronicles of Trinian
By: Terrence L. Rotering
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Stand: The Chronicles of Trinian by Terrence L. Rotering is the second book in the series.

Stand continues the struggle and quest for survival of the faithful. Rotering presents this epic adventure into the heart of man and God’s plan. Offering a timeline, beginning with the creation and the fall of man, this series presents the tale and saga through journeys battling the unknown, evil creatures, and evil enemies from the ancient enemy of man. This Christian fiction sheds light on the Faithful as they STAND, adding the book of Trophet, as a bridge to the Foundational series of The Chronicles of Trinian. 

Introducing “Louis” or rather “Louis the Lost” the author starts off with a note of humor amid the journeyman’s great discovery. Rotering weaves his writing with Scripture, Biblical Truth, and the never-ending spiritual fight of good battling evil. This book delivers in the continuing saga, as the timeline of mankind continues through the different ages. The travels of the journeyman, Louis, lead to a surprising climax and conclusion, as other characters are introduced. Bonus material with poems enhance the reading and one cannot deny that God is ever-present among the dangers. 

The reader has a front-row seat in this exciting page-turner. The soul of man is the prize and demonic forces emerge twisting and tempting mankind to partake in evil. Justice is on the horizon as these malevolent forces are no match for the Lion of Judah, the One who watches over all and is the true King. Written in true fashion after C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Frank Peretti, the author has crafted a series that will capture faith, speaks justice to the down-trodden, and gives immense hope as the “Faithful Stand Forever.”

A Must-Read Saga - The Faithful, Stand, Forever, and The Chronicles of Trinian. 

You may get your copy of Stand: The Chronicles of Trinian at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Book Review - The Mark (Under the Manger Book 2)

Title: The Mark (Under the Manger Book 2)
By: H.D. Barnett
 A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

The Mark by H.D. Barnett continues the series of Under the Manger, as Book 2. A powerful and engaging period of time is unfolding upon the Earth. It’s the last half of the Tribulation. “The Event” as the Newscasters call it has happened. The Church calls it the Rapture. God has taken all who believed in Him and even all the children. These last 3 years hold significance for every single human being upon the planet. Now, as The New World Order is spreading it’s evil tentacles upon humanity. This is a time of what the Bible called great tribulation! (Matt. 24:21). H.D. Barnett blends an epic novel of the Trumpet judgments, alongside the rise of the anti-Christ who exercises complete control over the Earth. This is a series not to be missed. 

Beginning with Jason, he knows regret for not believing has him in this place…a bunker built by his parents. Left behind, Jason Stevens, continues his fight for survival. Battles ensue with his FBI comrades, as each mission brings a heightened awareness that the world is surely in the End Times. Will Jason, his wife and his friends’ faith stand? Most importantly will they endure until the end? Witness firsthand the heart-stopping and unimaginable tribulations and judgement being poured out in the last 3 years of what is known as The Great Tribulation.

Action-packed and true to the Biblical prophecies encased in the Book of Revelation, humanity has a choice – accept The Mark – or face death. This is a Christian fiction book filled with true events that are to take place in the End as God pours His wrath upon the unrepentant. Jason, a strong follower of Christ is at the helm as a head FBI agent. With the discovery of a secret, a life is at stake in New Babylon. Will his team survive the onslaught as the web of deceit brings a doomsday novel that one cannot soon forget. 

A highly recommended impactive read! Even if you don’t believe, you might after reading this book giving insight into a time that no one wants to be “left behind” during this time in Earth’s history. A movie in the making. 

You can get your copy of The Mark (Under the Manger Book 2) at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. Visit the author at H.D. Barnett at Amazon.

CBM Christian Book Review - The Chronicles of Trinian: The Faithful Stand Forever

Title: The Chronicles of Trinian
The Faithful Stand Forever
By: Terrence L. Rotering
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0+ out of 10.0 

An amazing and powerful read! The Chronicles of Trinian by Terrence L. Rotering is a captivating epic Christian fantasy series full of adventure, battles between evil malevolent forces and the armies of heaven, as the spiritual realm collides with the earthly realm. 

This epic series reveals the Faithful and their fight for survival throughout the span of three separate timelines and different eras. Insightful, the author reveals how the forces of evil attack mankind. Indulging the reader in the sorrows and struggles mankind faces as time itself will end one day. All who are in the Book of Life will enter into Eternity with God and those who are not in the Book of Life will be cast out. Offering a riveting epic series of the land of Trinian shedding light on the battle for the souls of men. 

The reader has a front row seat in this exciting page-turner. The soul of man is the prize and demonic forces emerge twisting and tempting mankind to partake in evil. Justice is on the horizon as these malevolent forces are no match for the Lion of Judah, the One who watches over all and is the true King. Written in true fashion after C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Frank Peretti, the author has crafted a series that will capture faith, speaks justice to the down-trodden, and gives immense hope as the “Faithful Stand Forever.”

The land of Trinian represents a vast selection of characters. Be sure to see the Index of Names in the back of the book. The first age of man comes eight thousand years after the fall of man. God’s judgement had come upon the Earth – and the Mighty Flood that put the rainbow in the sky, representing God’s promise to never flood the Earth again. Engulfing, inspiring, and uplifting the characters come to life. Such as in the case of Abner and the long-bearded wise ancient one speaking of a time only he remembers. He speaks to the children of the Truth Keepers, whom long ago, battled against the ancient enemies of good, wielding their evil through servants of flesh, yet the author introduces that we war not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual enemies in the heavenly realms, bent on man’s destruction. Rotering as an emerging author blends the truth of the Bible and the spiritual realm that comes alive on the pages of this book. I can’t stress enough through descriptive imagery this book visually comes to life as one reads it.

The Chronicles of Trinian: The Faithful Stand Forever represent the Christians married to the One, who is the Lamb, the only one worthy to worship. The One true God and Creator of all the Universe. The One whom after this earthly life is over, the faithful will live forever in Heaven and eventually a new Earth – with Christ. 

This is a wonderful and worthwhile read that speaks of the great adventure all humans face throughout the ages. Whom shall you serve? The path of Life is available to all, and all are free to choose. The Chronicles of Trinian stands as a series one will forever treasure in their library. 

Certainly, this could be a movie in the making! Well-written, descriptive, filled with wonder and excitement, this book will keep you coming back for more. 

You may get your copy of The Chronicles of Trinian: The Faithful Stand Forever at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Christian Book Reviews - Study of Revelation: Practical and Applied

Title: Study of Revelation: Practical and Applied
By: Robert N. Carrow
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Robert N. Carrow writes the Study of Revelation: Practical and Applied as the second book in his series entitled “Discipleship Series for Authentic Christians.” The other books delve into Christian discipleship.

This is a Bible study to help authentic followers of Christ understand and apply the book of Revelation in their everyday lives. There is no question “the time is near” and “time is short.” The world is an open book revealing the book of Revelation coming alive before our very eyes. Keeping that in mind, this is a captivating read incorporating a literal translation of the events and personalities spoken of in Revelation. Taking the most accepted interpretations, the author has created an induvial, or group study, that will take the reader through the entire book of Revelation offering understanding of this often misunderstood and complicated book.

The author has streamlined the book of Revelation by giving the reader 15 lessons. Each lesson explains a section of Scripture through Revelation’s 22 chapters. The author has felt led by the Lord to write such a book. He has incorporated prayer, meditation, and Bible study using 2 Bibles by well-known authors who have studied extensively the book of Revelation (Dr. Tony Evans and Dr. David Jerimiah). He also notes for those that want to delve into a more in-depth study, he recommends using The Book of Revelation – A Commentary on the Greek Text. This is a highly regarded and readily accepted commentary.

As noted previously, the author has designed this Bible study for personal study and group study; however, this book is not a short read. Clearly, the author has created this study for those authentic Christians that know we are in the Last Days, and wonder how one can apply Scripture, warnings, and exhortations to their lives.

The Study of Revelation: Practical and Applied comes highly recommended for all Christians living through this current age in order to stand strong through knowledge and understanding. This is a practical read that explains and offers keys to understanding the book of Revelation. The Study of Revelation: Practical and Applied is an important book for the times we are living in today and a must-read for all Christians.

“Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy…hear the words…and keep what is written in it, because the time is near.” Rev. 1:3 (CSB)

You may get your copy of Study of Revelation: Practical and Applied at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Christian Author Book Review - To Make a Difference with a Twist

Title: To Make a Difference with a Twist: 
How a Purpose Driven Desire Turned into a Love Story
By: Douglas Fearing
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

At the age of 25, Doug Fearing experienced an epiphany that transformed his life, which he describes as "self-absorbed." This transformation began at his dad’s funeral, where he was struck by the numerous attendees who attended. 

He was haunted by the questions: "Who would be at my funeral? Anyone? Who have I impacted in my life to make a difference?" This first shift led to a second, a wake-up call marked by an indescribable sinking feeling that profoundly altered his future trajectory and mindset. His journey reveals God's love and grace for humanity, a revelation that changed his life and that can change yours also.

Endorsements praise the honesty and courage with which he unveils his life and that of his family. This compelling read intertwines key insights from Rick Warren’s “Purpose Driven Life” with Doug's own experiences, emphasizing the need to be Heaven-focused rather than earthly-focused. He shares his story to inspire and encourage readers, especially his grandchildren, leaving a legacy of hard-earned life lessons.

Captivating and honest, this book details Doug Fearing's life and legacy. It's a must-read for its real, raw, and uplifting portrayal of a man who chose God, and the life lessons that shaped him into who the man that he is today. It’s a triumphant read for those striving to follow Christ with wholehearted devotion.

A highly recommended book. 

You may get your copy of To Make a Difference with a Twist at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit the author at his website Douglas Fearing. 

CBM Christian Book Review - Unveiling God’s Love Through Spiritual Laws and Biblical Principles

Title: Unveiling God’s Love
Through Spiritual Laws and Biblical Principles
By: Thelma Jane
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Multi-Published Author Thelma Jane shares a culmination of articles revealing her own life experiences and others. She displays God’s hand at work in everyday situations, as her aim is to shed light on God’s Word through the application of certain spiritual laws and gifts given by God as noted in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. Each article is uplifting and insightful, giving scripture and wisdom to those who are willing to seek God and His wisdom, and also find their own spirituality within.

Thelma Jane states, “In this book, I lay out the spiritual facts, and my insights, as best I can. Let each person reading the articles here decide for him or herself. I trust that each one of you who are looking for truth will look to the Lord for guidance and discern and decide for yourselves.”

With such articles as: The Right Track, God Makes No Mistakes, The Laws of Love, A Stranger in the Night, The Existence of Evil and a Loving God, Visions, The Origin of Evil, The Soul’s Spiritual Journey on Earth, Comments on the Possibility of Reincarnation, Knocking on Heaven’s Door (a poem by the author), & The New World Coming. Each article points out spiritual laws through Biblical principles that unveils a loving God and His Word that rules the laws of the Universe.

This comes as a highly insightful read, offering knowledge through the reading of scripture to enhance one’s journey in life. This book helps one develop wisdom, spiritual insight and understanding that leads to a reflection upon their own lives and beliefs.

Get your copy of Unveiling God’s Love Through Spiritual Laws and Biblical Principles at Amazon and other fine online bookstores.

CBM Christian Book Review - Lonely Candles

Title: Lonely Candles
By: Cline Lyle as told by T.F. Lyle
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Lonely Candles, as told by T.F. Lyle, shares the power of redemption, restoration of family, and God’s hand in the lives of the Lyle family. This is a powerful presentation of the life and spiritual memoir of Cline Lyle that will bring tears to your eyes. 

Readers will love this story of a young boy, Cline, growing up in the 70’s in a somewhat normal household. However normal life was, it was Cline’s mother who was the glue that held the family together. Unfortunately, Cline’s father was an alcoholic that affected the family in many different ways, as one will see unfold in the book. Themes of redemption and forgiveness shed light that finding God is not a concept, but a powerful, life-changing event that brings love, peace, and hope into one’s life. This is a story of God’s hand upon this man’s life and family. ~ Lonely Candles brings such a wonderful story of redemption.  

Cline showcases his life as one who loved adventure but eventually found emptiness at the young age of 18. A transformation awaits Cline, as he seeks God wholeheartedly and a life-altering transformation comes to Cline that affects his life for the good after God broke through in an amazing way through hearing His voice and a vivid vision. Cline’s experience of becoming a new creation in Christ is one for the record books, and quite honestly, his life story would make a wonderful movie that highlights how God can change someone from the inside out. Once known as “The Wild Man” and coming from an abusive alcoholic father reminds all that ~ Forgiveness is key. 

Intertwined is the story that reveals the transforming power of love and romance in Lonely Candles ~ An inspirational story of God breaking into the life of one young boy to not only save him from sin, but something much worse ~ death without Him. Heart-warming, Cline finds true love, satisfaction, peace, and new life from a dead life of partying, alcoholism, and lack of purpose. 

The story starts off on Thanksgiving Day, and begins with a “Freezer Burnt Cake,” as the author takes you back to times past. I have to say after the first chapter I was hooked to find out what comes next! As I read, the author shares pictures of his parents and new true love. Scenes throughout the book made me feel that I was right there with the author “seeing” what the book was describing that included the beauty of the lake, a humorous “Dave” incident, and much more that I had to read on how “The Wild Man” Cline’s life came together through the strides and chapters of his life. 

A movie in the making and a memorable read ~ Lonely Candles reminds us all of the blessings of love, God’s mercy, and hand in our lives. I sincerely hope this becomes a Netflix and Pure Flix film!

Lonely Candles comes highly recommended for those seeking healing and restoration in their own lives, and those of their families through the reading of this story of God’s redemption that is available to all, shedding insight into God’s faithfulness through true stories of others.  

You may get your copy of Lonely Candles at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Book Review - Boker Tov, Visions and Dreams of a Pilgrim

Title: Boker Tov, Visions and Dreams of a Pilgrim
By: Dennis C. Jones
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Boker Tov, Visions and Dreams of a Pilgrim by Dennis C. Jones captures his life story from a shy 4-year-old attending Sunday school to a young Hippie crossing the Canadian border to find freedom and the meaning of life. Short vignettes and scripture encompass his book. He draws his inspiration from John Bunyan who wrote “The Pilgrim’s Progress.” Dennis C. Jones’ expressive writing style, the sweet sense of adventure and the candid, with some funny moments that led this “sojourner” to a “lit path” after Christ brings much hope to our “lost” generation. With colorful illustrations and paintings that relay to readers the visions that were shown to this young man on a quest to find himself (and avoid the draft), this is an inspiring read! Readers will be surprised by the visions, dreams, as God would not let him go. His hope in writing this book is to speak to other searching souls and lead them to eternity in Christ Jesus. 

Dennis grew up in the turbulent 60’s and 70’s. A time of the Vietnam War, and a time when the author had turned away from God after experiencing the death of his beloved brother and mother from cancer. Dennis tried to walk away from God, and was bent on never trusting God. He seeks out life in different forms, including partying, and other religions briefly. Hitchhiking across the Canadian border, over 2600 miles yields an adventure made for a movie, yet he keeps the focus on Christ’s work in his life and the amazing things God showed him.  If he had shared more on his life and later years, it would be a movie!

Wonderfully written with colored illustrations shed light of his journeys, adventures, dreams, and visions, alongside the sprinkling of Scripture that reflect the journey of man to his intended destination. 

A highly recommended read for encouragement, adventure, and the realization that we are created beings with eternity set in our hearts. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

The book was written in such a way that kept my attention as I could not put the book down. I was amazed at how God spoke to him, the vivid visions enhanced by the drawings of those visions. This is a book to remember – to give to others as well! 

Boker Tov! I absolutely loved this book! It was a pleasure to read and filled with scripture that had such deep meaning to life and glorified the work of Christ in our lives.  I will keep this for my personal library to reflect on and give to others. 

You may get your copy of Boker Tov, Visions and Dreams of a Pilgrim at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

CBM Christian Book Review - Wow, I Want What They Have

Title: Wow, I Want What They Have: 
Sanctified Marriage: Heavens Above “For Better or Worse”
By: Pastor K. Bruce Brown
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Wow, I Want What They Have: Sanctified Marriage: Heavens Above “For Better or Worse” written by Pastor K. Bruce Brown is a book that encompasses marriage, yet speaks of connecting to God as our Abba Father first. Offering great insight to those who would seek to come up higher in marriage, and all of their relationships! 

Pastor K. Bruce Brown presents a book that builds faith, reveals the spiritual realm, coining the phrase, “Earth Life Bias” (ELB), and offers readers instruction on how to build a solid foundation in Christ, while increasing in faith, love, joy, and peace as a citizen of Heaven. He welcomes all to the family of God while offering a new perspective approach to living the triumphant plan God has for your life here on Earth, marriage included.

As an overall theme, Pastor K. Bruce Brown presents an understanding of “postmodernism” that has turned the truth upside down. This is an important point. Stating that the world is at an “end time” high of tolerating ungodly behaviors; we must teach our children the Word of God and God’s ways. In case you had not noticed the state's desire to take your children. Therefore, the Pastor strongly urges Christians to continually seek His Kingdom first, above all else. 

This book carries weightiness and holiness and is a timely word for all Christians, married or not. With keen insight, Pastor K. Bruce Brown sounds a call for change. His book offers valuable life-changing information. Some could compare this book to gazing through a prism of light with many multi-faceted colors, emanating from each angle. The author speaks in plain terms but opens eyes and ears to both the earthly realm and the heavenly realm revealing the two kingdoms that collide here on Earth. 

*Additionally, in the latter part of the book, the author discusses the book of Daniel. He speaks about the end times and builds faith, answering questions one might have.

This book comes highly recommended for those looking to delve into a deep and dedicated relationship, seeking to know their Abba Father, and His ways, and bring their life and marriage to a Kingdom level of living and breathing in the Kingdom. A wonderful read!

CBM Christian Book Review - Jesus and the Two Storms

Title: Jesus and the Two Storms
By: Roland Ramirez
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Divinely inspired, Roland Ramirez, breaks down the two storms written in the books of Matthew and Mark. Studying and commenting on each verse, readers catch a glimpse of the context and learn lessons of faith to find victory. Readers will discover new and fresh insights, as these stories that build character and faith within the body of Christ. Learn to overcome life’s trials, and glean from these two storms, to understand that with Jesus, you are never alone and you can get through to victory in your life’s storms.

We all are familiar with the storm that arose wherein the disciples were terrified and the Lord seemed to be asleep in the bow of the boat. The other storm arose and Jesus was walking on water; Peter called out to Him, and then Jesus spoke to Peter to “Come.”  When God says, “Come,” what is our response? This book is written to help readers understand various aspects of each of these two storms. Do we get out of the boat? Do we have faith? When do we call out to Jesus for help?

The theme of the book is a call to endurance, and to call out to our Lord quickly, knowing that we can experience victory no matter what storm we may experience in life with Jesus helping or at the helm of our boat. Each chapter begins with a scripture, followed by an explanation with several introspective questions at the end. This book could be used individually, or in a group Bible setting. A salvation prayer at the back is included for those who need to reach out to the Lord. This is a wonderful way to reach out to the lost, teach them, increase their faith, and encourage them to walk through their trials with the Lord in their lives.

Also, a must-read book for every Christian as a reminder to Whom we follow and for encouragement within all the trials we face in this life.

This book helps one to refocus on the Lord and Scripture, and also to remember that no one is excluded from the trials and tests of this life; yet, we have Jesus and His victory to help us walk through any storm, situation, or circumstance. A great encouragement and challenge to learn to lean on the Lord at all times.

You may get your copy of Jesus and the Two Storms at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

CBM Christian Book Review -21 Reasons for Trusting in God: Finding Inner Peace in His Existence

Title: 21 Reasons for Trusting in God:
Finding Inner Peace in His Existence
By: L.A. Buckley
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

L.A. Buckley presents a compelling book offering faith in God through the lens of science, philosophy, and historical evidence for God. Science-backed proof of the existence of God coincides with theories such as the Big Bang Theory, evolution, etc., as she offers answers to why Creation and the Universe point to the organization of a Designer. That “Designer” is God, the Creator of the Universe who sent His Son to pay the debt for sin. Her evidence addresses the “age-old” debate many have engaged in, wondering if there is really a God. She has written this book to answer the question of “why” people should believe.  She shares her faith journey and knowledge in sharing with her young teen son, as he wrestled with doubt if there was really a God.

Examples of the questions answered in this book are: 
  • How can I fully trust God when I can’t physically see Him or touch Him?
  • What happens after death? Do Heaven and Hell really exist?
  • What should I trust? Scientific evolution or creation?
  • If God is real, then why do people suffer?
She states, “I want to assure you God is real. The Bible is His word. Jesus died for your sins. He loves you more than you can ever imagine and is worth your trust.”

With a direct and easy-to-read book, the author gives evidence that refutes many different theories and presents the undeniable truth of the God Who created the Universe and created you. Faith in God and understanding truth in the reliability of the Word of God are brought to the surface. She gives the reason why the resurrection is the defining point of Christianity, making Christianity different from all other religions. Miracles, the power of prayer, and the role of the Church give insight into the Bible as our source and God’s Word. This is an interesting read offering insight to some of the disciples and writers of the Bible, giving proof to their findings. Her book displays how God has worked in all these things. Therefore, she offers 21 reasons for trusting in God.

This is a profound and powerful book that is written to transform others’ lives and to lead them into a living faith by discovering “undeniable evidence” of God.

A must-read for all who doubt the existence of a God, their purpose in life, and wonder if there is an afterlife, and if Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.  These and many more answers offer truth for one to find faith in God, knowing and trusting that God is in fact real.

I also highly recommend this book for those who know they are searching for more in this life and wonder what religion is the truth. Finding the truth is not finding a religion; however, understanding what faith is, why God created you, and Who He is makes all the difference in one’s search. God is not hiding. He wants a relationship with you and wants you to go to heaven after you die.

New Book Release

Title: Cracking the Bridle Code to Transformation
By: Debra Webster
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Cracking the Bridle Code to Transformation by Debra Webster is a fascinating and in-depth look into God’s design for the Bride of Christ from Genesis to Revelation. Revealing great insight into these bridal truths in Scripture brings great clarity and intimacy with Christ. She states, “Much of the Church knows almost nothing about being the bride of God. The purpose of this book is to fix that problem.” With that in mind, Debra Webster unlocks the bridal code to bring forth transformation.

Beginning with the fall in Eden and separation from God, her book unveils the longing of the Bride. She states that freedom from the bondage of slavery from Eden brings Lordship to Christ. Shame is broken and intimacy is restored. Engaging, this book is not a fictional story, but truth unveiled from the Scriptures. Some are hidden, some are plain to see, yet only for those who truly seek Him (Jesus). Webster quotes Jerimiah 29:11, “If you seek me you will find me if you search for me with all your heart." Further stating, “He has been waiting for centuries to be known by her. She not only desires Him above all else, but she finds obedience a joy.”

The author has written to those who want to find Him, know Him, and hear His voice! The author has brought forth an amazing teaching that gives great insight into Scripture, God’s desire from the beginning of time to your own desire, and for those who seek God wholeheartedly. This is the remnant, the Bride of Christ, that is to be the Lamb’s wife.

 A truly amazing book and teaching about the Bridal Journey to Transformation!

Debra Webster is a multi-published author and a Writer’s Digest Award winner. Her non-fiction books assist the Body of Christ, answer questions, and offer truth on the Bride of Christ. Her own Bridal journey accepted a calling that came from the Lord to prepare the body of Christ, the Bride, for her Husband, Jesus Christ. Her books are deep, yet relevant and filled with truth from the Word of God. Edifying, her books highlight the End Time Bride and resonate with the true nature of God’s enduring promises and unfathomable love for His Bride. She is an author who dearly cares about teaching the End Time Bride of Christ the authentic and true Word of God for their lives in hopes of bringing transformation to those who truly seek the Lord first in their lives. Her books come highly recommended, as she is a seasoned author, and also a true seeker of God with thirty-five years of studying on the Bride of Christ and the Word of God.

You may get your copy of Cracking the Bridle Code to Transformation at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

CBM Book Review - 7-Step Spiritual Guide To Rapidly Overcome Emotional Eating The Way God Intended

Title: 7-Step Spiritual Guide To Rapidly Overcome Emotional Eating The Way God Intended: Improve Eating Habits, Lose Weight, Strengthen Your Faith & Enhance Your Mind
By: Bailey Palmer
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Bailey Palmer, a Christian author, writes a concise and inspirational spiritual guide to overcoming emotional overeating and eat the way God intended. This 7-Step spiritual guide will enhance one’s life, as she delves into discovering why we overeat, offering step-by-step solutions. This is not a formula but rather addresses some of the root issues of overeating and emotional eating. The author helps readers uncover habits and circumstances that also contribute to emotional eating. With inspiration and great compassion, she presents a healthy way of eating to nourish not just the body, but also the mind and soul, as she connects the dots for readers. Her book leads readers to discover simple and Biblical ways to develop living a lifestyle focused on Christ through faith and Scripture. This is an easy-to-read guidebook offering a 7-Step spiritual guide to overcome emotional eating that leads to physical and emotional well-being, ultimately giving understanding as to how to eat God’s way for a healthy mind, body, and soul.

Further, educating readers on the dangers of overeating, she delves into the emotional and physical consequences of overeating. She invites readers to develop a closer connection with God. In this way, mental and emotional needs are met. Readers are encouraged to read the Word of God and feed on the Word of God, as well. This book is vital to understanding what a healthy diet and mindset might look like to the believer, and also to the unbeliever, as well, potentially leading them into a relationship with Christ.

She states, “By building a solid spiritual foundation, you can learn to find comfort and solace in your faith rather than bad eating habits.” In doing so, along with the other steps, readers strengthen their faith and partner with the Holy Spirit alongside their journey. Discovering a connection with God and the understanding of having a growth mindset brings purpose, a sense of calm and happiness, as one learns to nourish their body and their emotions.

A truly compassionate and informative read. A must-read for anyone who knows they have issues with food, overeating, and obsessive behaviors associated with emotional eating.

You may get your copy of 7-Step Spiritual Guide To Rapidly Overcome Emotional Eating The Way God Intended at Amazon or in Kindle as a Download.

CBM Christian Book Review - Seeking Truth

Title: Seeking Truth
By: Clinton Bezan
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0+ stars

Clinton Bezan writes in his second venture proclaiming the truth of Jesus Christ and the veracity of the Bible. He humbly expresses that he is simply a “conduit” that writes as God’s Grace and Spirit have influenced him. 

In this book, Seeking Truth, he begins with questions we all have and then he springboards into different categories as evidenced by the chapters below. He adds an interesting twist by asking if Allah is God. He condemns the religion machine, but facilitates the looking at life as “a breath” and considers all to examine eternity. He makes his plea to not neglect the salvation of one’s soul that shall live into eternity, either with God in Heaven or forever separated from the love of God. Within this, he states his claim about a worldly church that denies a form of true godliness. Firm and resolute, he states that salvation is the only way to bring true release from the things of this world. He seeks to reveal the truth of Jesus Christ and His offer of the free gift of salvation alongside the truth of the Bible for whosoever is interested. 

With such chapters as: A Drop in the Ocean, Great Expectations, Christians in Crisis, Narrow is the Road, The Enemy Within, Church Progress, Is Allah God? Immeasurable Blessings, When in Rome, Gratitude in Your Attitude, Ambassadors for Christ, Spiritual Power, & Freedom to Celebrate he offers wisdom in each chapter. Additionally, Bezan gives statistics revealing persecution from terrorism worldwide, the Church’s error in allowing gay ministers to be ordained while offering Scripture throughout. 

The author brings the teachings of the Word that exhort, encourage, and speaks the truth of the gospel of Christ to all. While encouraging all to live for Christ, laying down their lives, in full obedience to the Spirit and to the Word encompassed in the Bible. Offering hope, the author gives Christians understanding as to their authority in Christ within the chapter “Spiritual Power” and uplifts those to not compromise. This is a hearty read in spite of the world, cultural digression, and the Church’s place as a light to all amid the darkness pervading society.

Thought-provoking, Bezan constantly challenges readers to come up higher in their beliefs and to base their beliefs on Jesus Christ and His teachings that align with Scripture. This is not a watered-down book, as he speaks the truth in the world we live in and contrasts this truth with the Word of God. 

This book comes highly recommended for anyone seeking truth and purpose in their life. A great read for new and mature believers alike. 

You may get your copy of Seeking Truth at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Book Review - Forgiving Oneself

Title: Forgiving Yourself
By: Paul Roebuck
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0+ stars

Forgiving Yourself by Paul Roebuck sheds light on powerful Biblical principles throughout Scripture that enable readers to be set free in their own souls! 

Paul Roebuck offers and explains key Biblical principles in this easy teaching making clear the power of forgiveness by putting into practice key commandments from the Bible. What makes this book unique is his understanding and teaching of what forgiveness looks like, giving readers easy-to-follow principles that will set one free from guilt, shame, rejection, fear, etc. He also clearly states that forgiveness is not forgetting, yet it is key to moving forward in life because offenses will come.

Further explaining that forgiveness is not only a command from Jesus, but has been set in place for us to follow in obedience, so that we can be free within our own minds, and also relationally with others. God cannot forgive us if we do not forgive others. Forgiveness further frees us from past offenses and hurts, so that we can move on to enjoy peace and joy. The Father wants to abundantly bless His children; unforgiveness can be a trap that “does the devil’s work” that reaches far beyond what we can comprehend. 

Forgiveness reaches and blesses every area of our lives touching marriages, families, and all relationships inside and outside of the home, in the workplace, and in public; without forgiveness, we will be forever trapped by shame, guilt anger, bitterness, offense, and other downtrodden mentalities. Unforgiveness blocks blessing from the Lord relationally, in His Kingdom, and even financially. Forgiveness is a profound Biblical truth revealed in this easy read. 

A fantastic, uplifting, and powerful read!  

You may get your copy of Forgiving Yourself at Amazon.

CBM Book Review - The “Let” Series: Becoming a Responsible Christian

Title: The “Let” Series: Becoming a Responsible Christian
By: Anthony Adefarakan
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 stars out of 10.0 stars

Anthony Adefarakan writes, The “Let” Series: Becoming a Responsible Christian, reminding Christians, and unbelievers alike, of not only fundamentals in the Christian lifestyle, but brings forth a maturity level that raises the bar by framing his book upon the Word of God. Focusing on the word “Let” in the Bible (mentioned over a 1,000 times) scripture verses from the word “Let” reveal God’s heart and leads to a series of “Let” statements from Scripture. He reminds us with a gentle nudge with a short article that is straight to the point, full of Scripture, insight, and Biblical wisdom. Presenting not a “formula or theory,” this powerful book can profoundly impact Christians by leading them to know God, His Word and inspire wholehearted obedience through partnership with God.  

This book speaks volumes, yet is simple to understand. This is a series birthed from God’s heart and is aimed at bringing the Church to its rightful place. He writes, “Christianity is almost losing its true meaning as God’s people are no longer with instructions to obey from the Word of God as much as they bother with promises to claim.” 

I find this series to be a Holy Spirit inspired and a timely teaching that can assist those searching for a closer walk with God to find a proper balance in their relationship and faith toward God. Written to help one become an overcomer, needless to say, this book is paramount in the days ahead.

His (God’s) ways are certainly not our ways, look into this book to find answers on how to become a responsible Christian. 

Get your copy today!

Christian Book Reviews for the Christian Author